We would like to wish all our Students and their families the very best for the Christmas Season and Blessings for the New Year 2017, from all the staff at Loreto College Swords “May Peace be your gift at Christmas
Food Appeal/Christmas Jumper Day/1S Bake Sale
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 class 1S held a bake sale to raise funds for Loreto Rumbeck. Thirteen bakers made an assortment of cookies, cupcakes and brownies. Thanks to all the students who organised, cleaned up and looked after the money
Loreto Has Talent Show – Photos/Video

Well Done to all the Students who took part in the Loreto Has Talent Show on Thursday, 15 December. The show was a great success and well done to everyone – staff, students and parents who worked so hard to
Transition Year Christmas Fair

4T Christmas Fair took place on Thursday, 8 December 2016- a variety of items were on sale from Chocolates, Candy Canes, Hot Chocolate to Christmas ornaments to Sports bottles and gum shields! Well done to all the girls and to
Art Dept. Hard at Work
The students in Art classes are hard at work and we are delighted to see their work on display around the school – from snowmen to Christmas lodges and festive posters the school is awash with colour! Click here for