Junk Kouture competition 2017/18 – our Transition Year Students are hard at work finishing their Junk Kouture dresses for this year’s competition – they have worked very hard to produce stunning outfits and we wish them all well in the upcoming
Congratulations to Clodagh Scully 4T
Well Done to Clodagh Scully who completed her ECDL module in record time as part of the 4T computer programme. Ms O’Malley and Ms Gorman were delighted to present her with her completion certificate.
Mock Exam Timetable 2018
Please click this link to open the link to Timetable 2018 Mocks
Cycle Against Suicide
The Student Leaders Conference is taking place today in the 3Arena 18 January 2018. Cycle Against Suicide is an initiative that was started in 2013 to raise awareness of the considerable help and supports that are available for anyone
Power of Positive Thinking Week
A week of activities have been organised to encourage Positive Thinking in school – activities will include: Students have decorated all lockers with positive messages Upbeat music will be played before school starts and at lunch break Positive messages on