Transition Graduation took place on Wednesday, 23 May 2018. Parents and family had the opportunity of coming into the school to view the work the girls did over the course of the year, students also provided entertainment on the night. Thanks to Ms Mary Gorman, TY co-ordinator for all her hard work in making this year such a success. Click here for photos
6th Year Graduation took place on Monday, 21 May – well done to all our 6th Years and we wish each of them health and happiness as they say goodbye to school and begin their new journeys. Click here for photos
Annual Prize-giving took place on Monday, 21 May 2018 – students received awards for a variety of categories from Excellent Attendance, Leadership Committees, Lost Property, St. Vincent de Paul to Student of the Year. Well done to all the students who received an award. Thanks to Ms Donna Graham who co-ordinated the event.