Below are links which parents may find useful when understanding the impact that the Internet and Social Media play in their teenagers lives. It may be difficult to stay on top of all the new sites that seem to pop up and just as you become aware of one site it quickly becomes ‘old’ and a new one takes over. Cyber-Bullying is every parents’ worry and by becoming aware of what our teenagers are accessing and how they communicate through these sites we believe parents can be empowered to help when things go wrong.
. Webwise – the official website from the Department of Education and Skills
- 11 Sites and Apps Kids Are Heading to After Facebook – a really good article and up to date (September 2013)
Social Media is not all bad and we would like to recommend the following site that is both educational and fun.
- Resources on (there is a link from the Scoilnet home-page to Britannica School)