A wide range of subjects are provided each year. These are categorised under Academic, Personal & Social Development and Vocational. The programme is reviewed on an annual basis with the introduction of new modules on a regular basis.

It is hoped that these studies will help students broaden their interests and that it will give them a chance to reach greater maturity for facing examinations and decisions about the future.

The success of the year is largely dependent on how much a student puts into the year and how they use their time in and out of school. Parents also play a big part by supporting their young people by trying to show interest in what they are doing, encouraging them to work on their own initiative and by keeping open communication.

Teachers feel that students who have done Transition Year stand out in Senior Cycle as being more mature and having a clearer sense of purpose and the incentive to work towards a goal.


Having considered the facilities etc. available we have one Transition Year class of 24 pupils. The Department of Education state that no student who participates in a Transition Year Programme may have more than 6 years in a secondary school.