Volleyball News Update – January 2014This year our Volleyball Cadet Team reached the All Ireland quarter-finals in Roscommon. Our team was unsuccessful but did reach the last eight which was an amazing achievement. The team lost in the last set so the matches were tight and since then the team have been training hard for upcoming matches. The students enjoyed the experience of the All-Ireland and hope to go further next year. Congratulations to all those involved – Sinead McCrohan, Anna Howard, Katie McGowan, Michaela Tynan, Ciara Foley, Amy McSweeney, Zara Lawlor, Daire McCutheon, Almu Gonzalez, Laura O’Sullivan, Tamara O’Neill Coyle, Mareola Moreno, Emma O’Neill, Alexandra Church and Rachel Fay.

The volleyball club participates in competition against local schools. Training takes place weekly.