The Garda Band Concert took place in St. Finian’s Church, Rivervalley on Tuesday, 4 December.  The evening was a great success and we had a full house on the night – all proceeds from the concert are for school funds and we thank the Parents’ Association for organising such a fantastic event.  Sincere thanks to the members of the Garda Band for a brilliant night of music, we appreciate the giving of their time to make this such a special occasion.    Many of our students took part also and thanks to Ms Heeney and Mr Glennon for all their hard work in preparing the girls. 

The Parents’ Association also held the Christmas Raffle – well done to all the winners!

1st Prize: €500  – Andy Butler

2nd Prize: €300  – Aisling Brady

3rd prize: €200 –  David Grogan

4th Prize Tiny Things Voucher €50 – Philip Long

5th Prize: Amy and Tia Byrne

6th Prize: Betty Cullen

7th Prize: Ann McNally

Click here for some photos


Garda Band Concert/Christmas Raffle