We are delighted to announce that Loreto College, Swords was awarded their Second Green Flag!

A Ceremony took place on Wednesday, 26 May in DCU and three students from the Green Team and Ms Mary Gorman who co-ordinates the Green Team initiative in the school went to collect our second green flag.  The flag was for all the work the school has engaged in over the year for energy conservation – we were also audited a number of weeks ago in relation to our waste management/recycling and were successful in keeping our first green flag. We are only 1 of 8 schools in Nth County Dublin to have two flags.  We also had a special ceremony on Friday, 27 May where the flag was raised and the green team gave a talk to everyone re. what being ‘green’ means.

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Click here to see photos of the occasion

Thanks to all the girls from the Green Team, to Ms Mary Gorman for all her hard work and to all the students and staff who work together to achieve two green flags!


Can you guess what our next project is???


Green Flag Award