You may have wondered why so many students were walking around school sucking lollipops this week…

On Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th, the Transition English class kicked off their year as Literacy Leaders for the school by organising a ‘Lollipop Swop’ where students donated a book to the new school’s Bookmobile and got a lollipop in return.   Transition Years are carrying on the good work of the Well Read Committee from previous years and are planning a year of events that will promote reading for pleasure and literacy amongst students.

The Lollipop Swop was a great success; students donated 211 books, which exceeds the target that the TY group set for themselves. The bookmobile is now stacked with great reads that are suitable for all year groups and the launch will take place in the coming weeks.  Watch this space.

loll2 lolly

D.E.A.R class for First Years

On Friday 6th October, The Transition Year ‘Literacy Leaders’ organised a ‘Drop Everything And Read’ class for first years on Friday 6th October to promote reading for pleasure amongst our school’s youngest students. With the cooperation of teachers, TYs invited first year students to read a book of their own choice during the 12.35pm class period. This is one of several initiatives planned for the coming academic year. Updates to follow.



Lollipops for Literacy