Bag Packing in Dunnes Stores in the Pavillion’s Shopping Centre took place on Friday, 9 November and Saturday, 10 November organised by the Parent’s Association.  Students from Transition Year and the Student’s Council all helped out on the day and we are delighted to announce that almost €2,300 was collected.  Thanks to all the students and parents who made this such a successful event!

Other upcoming events are The Garda Band Xmas Concert 2018 which takes place on 4 December at 7 p.m. in St. Finian’s Church Rivervalley – tickets cost €5 and are available from the school.

The Annual Christmas Raffle is also taking place and books of tickets are distributed to all students – tickets are €2 each or a book of six tickets for €10 – we would appreciate your support in this raffle – the draw will take place on the night of the Garda Band Concert



Parent’s Association Fund Raising Events