The school library ‘Leabhar Power’ is a valued part of Loreto College, Swords.  We encourage all students to read in order to develop their literacy skills, knowledge and imaginations.  Just as the reading levels of individual students varies greatly so too does the subject matter of each individual book, novel or play.  We advise you, as parents, to ask your daughter to show you the book/books she borrows so you can look at them if you wish.  If you decide for any reason that a book is not suited to your daughter return the book to the school.  We greatly appreciate your co-operation with this and thank you for your continuing support.

Leabhar Power Opening Times – 1.15 to 1.55


Thursday                     Friday


Fingal County Council also provide a modern Library Service to the people of Swords – click below for links to the various services they provide

Click this link for access to e-services

Click this link for online Database
